
i started playing pentiment today and im enjoying it a lot! aside from that not much happened today, but i did find out that my local theater will be showing skinamarink, so i intend to go see that in the next day or two. ive heard it drags on a bit, but anything is better than a 3 hour movie ^^. also ive noticed no one really replies to these things when i ask questions, but i figure it still doesnt kill to ask- does anyone know good latin courses i can take online? even if its just the basics. i tried duolingo but the mic quality on their latin course is so abhorrent i couldnt stand it lol.


saw skinamarink! i agree with the consenus it was too long- i think you could trim off about 20-30 minutes and have a much better experience. despite it being friday night i was alone in the theater, but i think ulitmately that was for the best, as it feels like a movie best watched alone in the dark, and watching it at home might have opened me up to being too distracted. i did a lot of walking today, too, which was nice! if my 16 year old self could see me now going for a walk in the morning first thing she would be shocked to say the least. its nice to be able to do it on my own terms though rather than being forced to do it, even by a well-meaning father.


stayed home from work today, was feeling really sick on and off. in one of the 'off' periods i ran to the mall to walk around (since the neighborhood is still a bit wet for walking) and grabbed a bunch of lotions. ive got too much lotion now.... but i do have a nice coffee scented candle, and the mint scalp invigorator ive been wanting to get. so besides the illness attacks on my person, a pretty good day! i tried playing rainworld some tonight, i really dont get it, not yet at least. it seems fun, the gameplay just isnt quite clicking in my head yet. im also thinking of trying cloudpunk! lots of games, so little time....


been home from work for the past few days, due to the ice. store is due back to open tomorrow but i dont intend to go in until at least friday, though my paycheck will certainly suffer for it. but i hate my job anyways so whatever. walked around in the cold with my aunt for a bit, she slipped and fell a little but shes fine. broke our ice scraper playing with the ice on my car but we can always buy another one. wishing i was better at art, ive been drawing a lot lately but i feel like ive stagnated and im not sure how to push my boundaries. hope everyone is warm and well.


had a fun day of shopping today- got some blank CDs but i still dont have an external drive to burn them on -_- its soooo frustrating genuinely. i just want to have my current music tastes logged is that so hard!!!!!! but aside from that im chillin. got my brother one of the spiderwick chronicle books, and poked around the antique store. need to buy some loaded potato soup soon. hope yall are having a good week!


sometimes i feel like some kind of skittish animal than a girl or woman but im just chilling. i decided to try some of the new "spicy chili fusion" flavor cheetos or w/e theyre called today and these are straight up just red bell pepper flavor lol its crazy. dont really like em but. such is the folly of trying new things ://///


ive been feeling pretty good so far this week- ive had dips in mood during work, and before i go to sleep, but the weather has been nice and ive been talking more walks, and taking longer on them. i walked a mile the other day, even :) ive been buying CDs to listen to in my car, and i ordered plantasia off of bandcamp, so im pretty pleased about that. ive been making my ramen a new way, too, since eggs are so expensive now, and its really good. glad to finally be making use of my gochujang! i hope everyone is doing well lately ^^


i ditched work today to hang out with my dad and brother and it was great! we went to the mall and hung around, spent a bunch of money lol. we had razzoos and indulged in some gator tail, and it tasted a lot better than it normally does. not sure why! i picked up cloudpunk last night, too, and its been a lot of fun, even if it controls a bit weird


my granny is coming to stay with us again =_=' i really wish there was another house she could stay at. it seems rude to complain but she's so agitating to be around and it means i get almost no time to myself, which is really grating to deal with. no idea how long she'll be here, either... on the bright side i read through futari escape and enjoyed it a lot, gonna try and poke around and find more yuri manga. also think im going to try embroidery of some sort


ive been receiving a shitload of forwarded junk mail lately and my debit card was compromised -_- my day was going so well up until this shit happened. this, having to deal with my grandma coming in tomorrow, and work? what a shitshow.


i got some jasmine rice at the store yesterday after a while without and god i didnt realize how much i missed having it. my best friend :) im kind of interested in trying to make corn ribs but im not doing that until after my grandma leaves. our fridge is full enough as is and im constantly getting heckled by my aunt for not getting groceries she needed without telling me we needed them in the first place =_= but im at least enjoying my rice ^^


im really excited for the new splatoon season which i think drops in a few hours? my girlfriend is probably going to be playing the new destiny thing all day, too. lots of gaming going on! my plantasia CD came in, which im happy about, and i listened to it during my drive around today. really good stuff! id totally recommend it if you havent heard it already. check it out here!


my granny seems about ready to go home, but my aunt is vehemently against letting her leave for some reason. i know its her mom, but she never seems to like her being here, and its already been nearly 2 weeks, which i figured is about when my granny would want to tap out. im really hoping she leaves soon. i want to actually be able to enjoy my birthday this year


ahhh im so tired +_+' even with the minimal amount of time im spending at work, those few hours are a slog when you run out of things to do within the first 45 minutes. and that along with all the guests and nonsense happening at the house, im quite drained.... ive been enjoying crochet a lot though, its been giving me a nice reprieve from everything else....


haha long time no see. oops uu' things have been hectic and unbusy at the same time- my granny left this morning after a few weeks in and out of the hospital. ive had plenty of time to myself, but its nice to know all of its behind us now. ive been doing some more crochet, but its slow going, and ive started learning how to play chess. im. not very good at it. but i only started a few days ago, so thats to be expected. i doubt ill ever become some master at it, but its nice to have something to do.
ive also had an itch to play bloodborne today, which is something that does happen every now and then. sadly, i dont have a ps4, nor do i intend to get one any time soon. a real shame, but even if they DID port it to PC, i highly doubt my dinky little laptop could run it. so it goes >.> hope youve all been well in this interlude!


spent the night at my dads the other night, me, him and my brother all went to see the new DnD movie which i really ended up liking! it was a late birthday celebration for my dad, and i was happy to see him enjoy it. we also all went to rodeo goat, which was my first time there. i ended up getting a chicken sandwich instead of a burger, but it was still REALLY good, so its not like it was a big deal. had whole grain mustard, blackberry compote, and candied bacon on it. i also saw scream 2 last night, and i enjoyed it considerably. it still felt topical and made its point without being overbearing and annoying like scream V was. i dont know if ill watch 3/4, but theyre not going anywhere lol.


been interested in trying to learn how to read tarot but im hitting snags before i can start bc 1) im having trouble finding like. actual resources on what to do and 2) my aunt found my moms old deck from 2000 and had a serious sit down talk with me about "witchcraft" in which i had to explain they were in my moms things because they were, in fact, hers. they were then promptly put outside bc she refused to have witchcraft in her house and my mom's last remaining possessions were ruined by the weather so. lol. lmao, even. aside from that ive just been playing a lot of boneraiser minions, which im really having a lot of fun with. its not my usual type of game, but i enjoy the gameplay speed and loop quite a bit


okay i fixed my site :) it was because my supporter payments were flopping lol! stuff has just been sort of happening lately, and the weather has been hot and sticky =_= summer is by far the worst time of year. i saw scream vi and really liked it, a lot more than scream v, which was my least favorite movie of last years horror binge. i played through portal and portal 2, and i bought portal bridge constructor, so ive also been big into that :) im getting ready for my trip to colorado later this month, too! get to go see my girlfriend again ^^ im thinking of trying to make a recipe i saw last night, if not today then sometime soon. hope youve all been well!
check out this gif i made


ive been playing a lot of this cute little game since last night- it's called check it out! its the first picross game ive ever played and im complete shit at it lol. its nothing super intensive but its a fun game to play especially if youre looking to get into that sort of thing. i wasnt paying attention when i downloaded it so i didn't realize until i started playing, but im glad i did give it a chance ^_^


hiiii i just got back from my vacation to see my girlfriend!!!! it was a super nice time- we watched the prequel and original trilogies of star wars in chronological order, and we also watched the mario movie after taking some edibles lol. it was so fun! she cooked some really good meals, too, and im sooo happy i got to try her cooking ^^ i want to make something for her some time, but i was having some trouble using the stove at her place bwl. im not used to electric stoves anymore.... unfortunately i did have to go back to w*rk today, but things were blessedly slow at least, so i didnt have too much work on my plate. im gonna do a crochet experiment later tonight, maybe, so well see how that goes i suppose!!
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