today was great! i went for two walks today (one in the mid afternoon, one in the evening), spent an hour and a half at the library (having a good time reading up on random things, you can read the things i find out here) and finally picked up the book i checked out last week. i also started reading girls last tour and shimeji simulation, which is interesting! im going to see my girlfriend soon, and ive started drinking ~2 liters of water a day for the past few days. things had a rough start this morning, and arent perfect, but i really can say with confidence i enjoyed today :3
i was in a shockingly good mood today, even at work which is rare but it was great! im a little bummed i wont be able to go to the library for a few days, but ive got plans for tomorrow and if nothing else i can go to the local bookstore (not the same, but its something at least!) i read all of girl's last tour last night, which was great, and read the final chapter of dungeon meshi. i cant believe its over, after all this time! ill miss it, but i like where it ended and im happy it got to come to a natural conclusion. i also crocheted a coaster for my big ass water bottle:

the museum was soooooooooooooooooooooo fun i had such a good time! we even got good parking which is always a bonus bwl. the exhibits all felt so distinct and all had so much to enjoy. i saw some pointilism paintings right as we were about to leave that i sadly couldnt get a closer look at, but my brain was feeling pretty full by then, regardless. didnt find anything at the gift shop, sadly, but maybe if i find something online ill shoot some money their way. now ive got an itch to paint something myself, lol. after the museum we went to lunch and i got to eat some pho, which was a great bonus. hard to believe i trekked around in steel toed shoes for two hours, but thatll definitely get me my exercise if nothing else! plus it sounds so fun when i get to clomp around
uauauagghhh the past few days have been so BAD its insane. went to work on wednesday just fine. parked my car. needed to start it back up to roll my windows down. car wouldnt start. go inside, get a coworker to look at it. it starts. go home. wait a few hours. it starts. turn it off and then think "hm lemme check one more time" and then it wont start again. uncle tries to jumpstart it. nothing. next morning i wake up. toilet has leaked all over the bathroom floor. clean that up. car wont start. i walk 3 MILES to work. things got a bit better from here as i had someone pick me up and then ANOTHER uncle came and (not hyperbole) knocked my car with a hammer a bit and got it seemingly working again. said the starter is the issue, not the battery. so ill have to get a starter, which IS about the same price as the battery, but unfortunately means ill also have to pay a separate installation fee since they cant just do it on-site like they could a battery. guess its good ill be picking up plenty of hours in the next couple weeks =_='
alright look at me. look. pay attention. this is important. heres what youre gonna do. youre gonna go here. youre gonna download mighty jill off (2008). and youre gonna play it. and then youre gonna tell everyone in the world also to play it forever. got it? good work out there. little carbonation, and ill see you later.
working 6 days a week this and next week, but still only partial days. which i'll take, i need the money. my aunt's been nosy about my hours, which is annoying, but its really none of her business.
i watched electric dreams the other night, and liked it a lot. it was definitely a fun little movie, and i'd really recommend it if you're looking for a romcom type of movie where a PC falls in love with a woman. the whole thing is up for free on youtube! i might even rec it to VHS if the mood strikes me again to watch it. aside from that, not up to much. crocheting a bunch of squares and the intent is to eventually turn them into a blanket, though i doubt the 4 skeins of yarn i have so far will be enough. still, itll give me a good idea of how much each skein will give me as compared to how long i want the blankey
oops. forgot to keep up with this site after my trip. sorry ^^' but im back now! its been terribly slow at work- to the point we're still running out of things to do, despite the big day of the month being tomorrow. my trip went well! i had a good time with my girlfriend, we watched a lot of fun stuff together. i put her onto columbo >:] and in my own time, i watched the first three saw movies! i really liked saw 1, and saw 2 was pretty good. saw 3 wasnt bad, but it definitely was my least favorite of them. not sure if i have any interest in pursuing the rest of the series (besides maybe checking out saw 0.5) but ive got an ever growing watch list of horror movies on my hand, so its not really my main focus (though i dont know if i would consider saw horror, personally)
STAYED HOME today... was off work and got kinda bored but i didnt really wanna bug the staff at any place that WAS open so i kept to myself. had a pretty good day, though. made some honey roasted carrots (very yummyyyyy) and watched "Candyman" (1992) which was.... interesting. it had a lot of potential but tbqh i feel like it ultimately didnt make very good on it. i also tried to watch "Ginger Snaps" again, but the TV was doing some bonkers shit and i had to give it up. i didnt even really like that movie the first time i watched it, but something in my brain was itching for it for some reason.... maybe im just in a werewolves mood
got a new battery for my laptop today! spent a lot of money on that! but i noticed last night the battery was swelling and bulging out the casing so i figured it was better to nip that in the bud than wait any longer. i can click with my mousepad again! yippeeeee! really havent been up to too much aside from that though- been reading some dracula, and a bit of "i favor the villainess" (the novel version) both of which im enjoying! i also should have a copy of carmilla coming to my local library soon, so ill check on that in the next couple of days :] and i started silent hill 3! i really like sh2, and ive never seen anything about 3, aside from that photoset of the protag looking at bread. horror games are a lot scarier when you dont know what will happen! but so exciting :3c
sliced the fuck outta my shoulder the other night. not the worst injury ive ever had (cut off the tip of my thumb once) but definitely the worst cut ive had, and in a really obnoxious spot since it's hard to bring those two pieces of skin back together. dont mind if it leaves a mark, but i DO want to make sure it doesnt get any worse.
that aside, havent been up to much. blew my whole check with the battery and then christmas shopping, been reading carmilla and started playing bloodrayne the other night. really fuckin obtuse and janky sort of game thus far, but kind of fun once i understood what was going on. the jiggle physics they tried to add in are bonkers lol
well, happy belated new years to you all! i hope your december was good, and you've had a pleasant new years as well. i'm currently posting from the library before i go to work- i got two texts yesterday from both of my coworkers telling me they cant make it today! so i get to run the store alone. yayyyyyyy...... not looking forward to it, but at least my week off was mainly enjoyable. would prefer to never have to see that place again, but its not like ive got any other jobs lined up, and im still not as keen on college as my aunt is pushing me for.
anyways, i started playing quake a couple of days ago! i went on a bit of a bender with ULTRAKILL and wanted something to scratch that itch without burning myself out on the game. quake definitely doesnt have the same exciting movement, but i get to hop around so thats fun at least. ive also got some copies of "scud the disposable assassin" coming in the mail today. my dad was talking about it when i was at his place on christmas, and how much my mom used to like it. so i decided to go ahead and see what all the fuss was about! and i'll get to see! once i get off from work >:/
bwllllll last week was a shitshow at work. the first day was really rough, and after that it was just kind of boring but with a lot of really bizarre, argumentative people. something in the air is making people act weird, i swear. but aside from that, ive not been up to much! had my whole days filled by work last week, so i didnt get up to too much. but i did pick up finger knitting! or, the very basics at least. ive also been trying my hand at proper knitting, with needles and everything, but so far no dice >.> its a lot more complex than crochet! but ill keep trying on and off i guess, and see if i cant make a breakthrough eventually.
my books also came in last tuesday :3 im really enjoying scud, and i can see why my mom liked it so much lol. i really want to see if i could get my girlfriend into it, but she always seems kind of resistant to checking things out that i suggest to her, even when i think it really would be up her alley... well, maybe if i just keep talking about it to her, she'll get curious :] thats the most i can really hope for! and even if she doesnt, i can still enjoy it. and now that my manager is back at work, hopefully ill get more time to digest the story! as much as i dont like her, it does mean that i can get more time to myself now that shes back, as i dont have to hang around at work all day anymore
posting this from the library! been feeling weird the past few days/nights honestly. kind of restless- i want to do something, but im not really sure what and the things i do try dont really seem to stick. i try to stick with it and end up tapping out after 5 or 10 minutes. its so weird, and i cant figure out why! also i just noticed theres someone a couple of computers down from me just. eating a bowl of popcorn? bro why are you doing that !!
anyways, thats not important. im going to at least try to do some reading soon, and maybe do some creative writing exercises? just trying to find anything honestly to satisfy this weird unscratchable itch ive been feeling. i'll figure it out eventually, im sure.
sooooooo cold today, its 1F where i am!!! even with what we've got going, my hands are really cold as im typing. so as you can guess i really didnt do anything today bwl. last night i played buckshot roulette and it was a lot of fun, if youre looking for short and cheap fun, id recommend it! need to get back on bloodrayne too.... auhhhhhggggg too many ideas in my brain which means nothing gets done.... well theres time so its ok :3 ive got things im really wanting to do, but that requires going out, and i dont think ill be going out until wednesday. definitely not before tuesday. so ill let the ideas stew for a bit longer and either forget or make good on them later. hopefully.
just been chillin at home most of this week, refused to go anywhere in the cold weather bwllll. started back at work yesterday. haaaaaate it but whatever. i kinda shelved knitting for the time being since i wasnt making any progress BUT ive become obsessed with circular knitting machines. theyre driving me crazy. why do they have to be so expensive aaaaauuughhhhh!!!!! would love to crank that thang stupid style all day long and make a billion million hats.... maybe one day. ive also been playing a lotttt of cult of the lamb since the update came out on tuesday! so much fun, i love my little ugly freak babies. still havent done any of the watching/playing on my actual list, but..... well. something will happen. eventually.
it was cloudy all week up until yesterday, and while i loooooove cloudy weather the sun coming out definitely awakened something in me. so now im planning on going down to the lake around sunrise to walk around :3 it means ill be waking up at 6AM on my day off but so what! i want to feel something! that aside, ive been playing grim fandango (the remaster) and ive been using my circular loom to make a hat, which i finished last night. it was too short, but as my first loom-made hat, now i know it needs to be longer! ive been really mood swingy lately, but right now? im feeling good ^_^ and i hope you are too!
went down to the lake at 7AM today! earliest ive willingly woken up in.... years, probably! it was really nice, though, and i saw a lot of neat birds- geese, coots, herons, cormorants, blackbirds, pelicans, and even woodpeckers! never see much in the way of mammals, despite them saying theyre around, but i dont mind that too much. it would be neat, but seeing birds is enough for me ^_^ i was intending to go to ihop afterwards, but i couldnt find it, so i just got a drive-thru breakfast instead. now i dont know what else to do with my day, it's still so early! maybe ill do some errands, idk! i dont think this is something i could pull off doing often but as a special day just for me, it was really nice!
been exercising a bit more- trying to use the elliptical we've had sitting collecting dust for years. ive always been proud of my legs and i want to be sure to keep them in good shape! in the meantime ive been watching house M.D. and knitting my brother a hat- a new one, to be clear. i gave him one and he lost it later that day, sadly. a real shame, because he really loved it, but im happy to make him another one.
house is a really funny show, though- theyre always shocked when he does malpractice when they hired them to be their malpractice guy. im a bit over halfway through season one now, and i honestly doubt ill make it through the whole show, but for the time being im having fun using it to fill my days. i also watched re-animator last night, it was.... fine. i expected better with the amount of people ive seen enjoying it, but the last half hour or so really just lost me. well, that's movies sometimes! ^_^ i didnt NOT like it, so its not like i regret spending my night with it.
had some health concerns this past couple of weeks- my pulse was racing randomly when i wasnt doing anything, chest pain, heartburn. big concerns going on, so i actually got medically looked at for the first time in a couple of years. turns out i was stupidly anemic! oops :P so ive been taking lots and lots of iron, among other vitamins and getting more exercise and trying to get a bit more variety in my diet ^_^ i also spent tuesday with my brother and we had a nice time- i got him into ultrakill >:) mostly he played the cybergrind but i also let him go through and beat the bosses (all on harmless) and he did good! i was happy to see him getting into something that i also like bwl. i hope everyone has been alright, though, i know its been a bit since ive updated. if it is not 80F (~27C?) please enjoy the weather for me. please i begging you
haha heyyyy guys. um. happy march! bwl. my birthday is 6 days away yippeeeee!!!! dont know if ill be doing anything, but its fun to know its coming up; quarter of a century baby! i also am struggling with a partially impacted wisdom tooth, but thats neither here nor there and its not even the first time this specific tooth has caused issues. so hopefully itll do what it did last time and just stop >_<' but in happy news, me and my girlfriend recently finished madoka magica (including the movie) which she was SUPER into, and we started on gundam witch from mercury! i know a little bit about it (mainly because of her posting about it as it aired) but its kind of fun being on the other end of the Knowing Spectrum!
ummmmmmm. oops. bwl...... my badddd i forgot to keep this updated ^^' been kind of a weird time for me! not much has been changing, just. various odd things. plus i was home this past week with COVID!!!!!! managed to make it to 2024 before catching it, at least. my brothers birthday is this saturday, so i'll be spending some time with him. he's on the cusp of becoming a teen! what the fuck is that about!? aside from that, im in the market for a new car- got approved for a loan and everything- so now we just need to actually. find one. since the guy who was selling flaked on us. twice :) but otherwise ive been doing relatively fine. went to see "I Saw the TV Glow" with my dad and we were both obsessed with it- if you havent seen it, go do it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not been up to much lately- summer is rapidly approaching and its getting hotter and hotter every day. i miss being able to accessorize with jackets :/ its one of my favorite things! ive been in the market for skirts lately, and while im mainly buying cheap stuff from big chains lately, ive been tempted to buy a skirt from here (though it would definitely be one of the ones on sale. im not looking to shell out $60USD for a single skirt right now). i also FINALLY downloaded VLC media player so i can watch DVDs on my computer! im hoping to watch a movie with my girlfriend soon; my dad lent me the DVD for a movie called "Priest" (2011) and the cover looks a bit silly but the premise at least sounds interesting..? i dont have high hopes, but i do have hopes for it!
oooooops i fucking. forgot. again. MYY BAD but to be fair not much has been going on. its been shockingly cool this past week, with a lot of cloudy weather. not normal but i cant deny im enjoying it more than how it was this time last year. i made some really good cherry syrup last night- its a bit thin, but its really good! cherry vanilla my beloved... but aside from that, ive not been doing a whole lot. playing some splatoon, spending time with my brother and dad. i went to a lesbian bar for the first time earlier this month, so that was exciting! but it mostly just made me wish my girlfriend was there. and then a guy creeped on us (me and my brothers mom) on the train ride home. so that wasnt quite as awesome. and speaking of my girlfriend, i WILL be taking this chance to plug her youtube channel again where she has been streaming shadow of the erdtree! so if that interests you, please do check her out! or i will be forced to detonate the charges.